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Jon Schubbe @Starogre


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PAX flu

Posted by Starogre - September 8th, 2009

all the pax photos (160 something plus a video of a large man falling off the darksiders horse in like 10 seconds) i took here on photobucket

So yea I stayed at glaiel's apartment to go to pax with him and got sick too. the plane rides home sucked. But the weekend was pretty crazy. Had to walk 2 miles to his place after getting off the bus then stay up really really late every night doing random stuff like working on finishing the demo, fixing bugs, and playing games with he, derek yu (tigsource), and andy hull (storyfort). one night we went to a grill with all the pax10 and indie developers we saw there that day and played pool, too. glaiel and i crushed derek and andy.

the pax 10 booth went really well too, especially at Closure's kiosk. someone was always playing and someone else was always watching which is a huge difference from showing the flash game off at E3, where the big named developers couldn't care less about the indiecade booth (see Example 1: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_
). g4 people stopped by to play and hopefully there will be coverage on that in the next few days. we got awesome positive feedback. unfortunately some feedback was too positive and didn't offer anything constructive but it was awesome nonetheless! (thanks to everyone who wrote something!)

we were basically there and at the behemoth booth right next door the entire weekend. not really time to walk around, afraid of missing any sort of media or cameras coming around. glaiel, tom and i walked over to scribblenauts to try to see it and play it a few times but that's about it for me. the sumo sacs were indeed helpful resting tools but i could have used a regular chair at times.

besides all the indie developers i met, i also met a couple people i have known online for awhile: monkokio and thejermz. monkokio actually gave us a ride home the last day and woke up extremely early to give me a ride to the airport this morning which was nice of him.

and I met other newgrounders as well: mexifry, faux, fluffkomix, and morichax (and dan paladin, didn't talk to him that much though as he looked very busy drawing for people). nathan was there filming for his NG documentary and he was nice enough to get some footage of Closure. he's also a really cool guy i talked to for quite a bit.

everyone i met that day was really really cool so no newgrounds drama ensued

it was all just so awesome, i'd say it was better than E3 from the amount that was going on; and the fact that at PAX, people come to play new games, not just watch new trailers and do executive and corporate business.

thanks tom for all the merchandise i bought from the behemoth booth too!

ps. i think writing this thing was way more than i had to do in the first place so i didn't link to anyone's names

pss. fan art to me of my first game ever from derek:

PAX flu



I got PAX FLU too. :(

oh really? dang its crazy. i think lack of sleep definitely contributed

I didn't get PAX Flu!
But I didn't go either, so I suppose you win there :(

hmm i wouldn't consider getting sick as a winning achievement haha but i know what you mean

cough cough wheeze cough

ha yea pretty much

I guess its safe to say... something was going around PAX. I'm not feeling all too well either.

yea it was like the third day i started feeling icky. i'm feeling a ton better now than i was before

pax's twitter just posted and said they had confirmed cases of swine flu.. id goto a doctor.

my headaches/stomach aches have gone away so i just have a tingling throat now. maybe i'll go this weekend. my school may shut down sometime soon for it anyways cus it's going around campus

I completely ignored the post when I saw you were from Severna Park, dude, I hailed from Dundalk right across the Key bridge! :)

haha cool! yea im actually in baltimore now for school but my home is SP

300 students attending Cornell University are sick with swine flu you mother fucker

i don't go to corn university