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Jon Schubbe @Starogre


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yo check this out! & (zero bombing wtf) & PAX

Posted by Starogre - September 5th, 2011

Lots of content here so here we gooooooo!

New original animations with original music

This is a very stylish and unique toon by a friend of mine. He made it his senior year in high school, did the animation AND music all himself. And to my surprise, none of it was rotoscoped and its score is SEVERELY underrated at the moment! He has great potential. Check it. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Stop Smoking Crack
This is also a very stylish and wacky toon by my asshol friend cooldrmoney. It took him awhile and he worked very hard on it. It also features an original song. So check it. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

(Wish I could embed newgrounds toons in this post)

Zero Bombing or what?

EDIT: OK WAIT A GOSH DARN SECOND. a half hour ago Nap had a 3.5, now it's down below a 3. Seriously something is going wrong

Why do these submissions, especially Nap, have such strangely low scores? What is going on? Is someone proxy zero bombing all the submissions in the portal or something? All my art in the art portal has dropped 2+ whole points as well in the past month. I honestly don't think any of these things deserve having such a low score printed next to our projects. I mean FFS, he made his own music for his own video, and both are fantastic... For some reason it's super easy for peoples' votes to affect the scores nowadays. So weird. Cmon people vote 555555555555

Post-Penny Arcade Expo, Seattle, WA

In other news, PAX was literally amazing this year. Glaiel and I bunked with our friends Dan Rosas and Alexander Bruce who have worked with the Scribblenauts crew and is creating a game called Antichamber respectively. Our Closure booth was shared by Retro Affect(Xerus), the guys who are making a game called Snapshot. Special thanks to them for being cool bros throughout the whole show. We also gave part of our booth space to Carbon Games, creators of Fat Princess and a new title called AirMech just because they are awesome.

We had some special guests arrive at our booth, such as Yoshi-1up, MoriChax, fluffkomix, apparently Thundaboom, but he didn't tell me it was him, PrettyMuchBryce, Murudai, Egoraptor, and TomFulp. Yoshi-1up got some nice footage of our booth, and Bryce and Murudai both enjoyed the game (i think). Tom didn't play cus he knew we would be trying to read his mind as he attempted to solve the game's puzzles. Which is a little creepy I suppose. I apologize to anyone who I have forgotten. Also 2 random people asked me for autographs because they loved the art i did/game so much which I happily obliged to.

Had great hang-out sessions with MoriChax and Murudai, as well as Rig. Our after-pax dinners had great discussions as always, talking a lot of shop with fellow game developers. It's always a real treat to get to spend quality time with unique, creative, and intelligent people, talking about the things you're passionate about.

I think one of the best nights there was when Glaiel, Dan, Alexander, our buddy Matt from Carbon Games, and I got VIP listed for Notch's Minecraft/Mojang party at a local nightclub. It was an open bar so I got an AMF at one point. Yep. In the line leading into the place, I chatted with DJ Wheat of Starcraft 2 casting fame, for the second time that weekend which was a nice treat as well.

The whole weekend was just a blast, hanging out and talking with fellow game developers and artists we only get to see a few times a year. It's nice when everyone gets together to have a good time and support eachother in person rather than via internet.

Here's a trailer we whipped up for Closure in case anyone missed it earlier. It'll be available on PSN in the spring time.

We've been featured on a few big-named sites so far, such as Kotaku (10k+ hits in a few days), eurogamer, and of course PSN's blog themselves. THIS JUST IN: Plugged by Tycho himself at Penny Arcade. 4th paragraph down. H to the ELL yeah.

Tell all your friends about the game because we really think gamers of all genres will really enjoy this one! And follow us on facebook, that's where most of our updates are! I'm still exhausted from crunching and flying to PAX these past few weeks, but it's time to jump back on the horse and finish this game up!

Also, I didn't know Tom sponsored korean Starcraft players, oGsTop, specifically.


Nap was pretty damn good. 5'd.


Thanks for the mention and yea, Nap was criminally downvoted

yep! :)


cool, dr. money....

It has a low score because it's creepy and abstract. If you're a random dude on the internet, you don't care how much effort someone put into something, you just care whether it's entertaining or not. That's what the scores do. People vote 5 if it's something they'd definately reccomend everyone to see.
It's not a scale of how good you are at what you're trying to do.

Also I got this in my inbox last week:
<a href="http://gyazo.com/51836e50551641c7061eb018e641c4c2.png">http://gyazo.com/51836e50551641c7061e b018e641c4c2.png</a>

Did you feel like a goof settin your game up inbetween Snapshot and AirMech? cos fuckin GOD KNOWS I WOULD!

wow i had no idea people spent that much time downvoting stuff. my suspicions are true. seriously, my art in the portal has been reduced from 4.33 to 2.5's. ridiculous. lol

and not at all! we are very proud of our game. snapshot and airmech might be more accessible and appealing to a wider crowd, <edit> at first glance </edit>, but we feel that our game greatly succeeds at what it is meant to do on all fronts, modesty aside.

Yeah weird goings on in the portal today. When you hover over a flash the score displayed is different to the one it says when you click on it. Not sure what's up...

noticed that too. the downvoters must be working so fast the score changes by the time the submissions' pages load!

Asian fulp! :o

fulp t.com or fulpot.com? you decide

Well I wouldnt have really gave too much thought to this. But I mowed my lawn and the Nap think went from a Blue score to a 3.2 in that small amount of time so somethins defineately up

the sky is definitely up

Nap was a cool animation and it definitely deserves more recognition, you don't see that much original stuff on Newgrounds anymore. 5/5 it :)

yeah i'm all about original animation combined with original music. and when an author does both its totally rad

o geez a typo; 5/5'd* :o


1- Nap was awesome, i really hope it gets the exposure it deserves

2- @I-smel's link....its so sad that people collude to just downvote something that people have put legitimate effort into...pretty pathetic

Bah...oh well

yea surprised me too

That's why I quit going to the collab forums, I noticed a lot of active collab makers that rejected shit parts would get zero bombed,, so basically I was scared I'd tell someone there shit sucks ass and then find my submissions bombed.

yeah, i dont REALLY mind the scores as much as the reviews. but if i was gonna choose a place to showcase my work with comments and reviews on them, i'm not gonna choose a page that shows my art only has a 1.5/5

Nap was Pretty damn awesome, let's see if we can't get Tom to FP that badboy


Yea ... Nap needs love. That was a wonderful breath of fresh air.

After it's FPed, in the coming week it'll eventually get a score more representative of it's quality.

i agree, and yeah most likely

Nap deserves a much higher score

indeed. it's rising though which is good. Nevermind it just dropped .6 for some reason. I really think someone is proxying

Nap definitely feels like a victim of down-voting scripts, there has been some nasty stuff going on for the past month and it just keeps pushing us closer towards Netflix-style voting.

Sorry I didn't play Closure - I beat all the levels in an older build at a previous PAX and was worried I wouldn't be able to do it again and people would know I'm not very smart.

Korean Starcraft players are way less expensive to sponsor than American players, I can sponsor like 10 of them for the cost of one American.

haha it's cool :P as long as you buy the game when it's out and tell us how it is! by the way i'm still using that intuos3 you sent me like 6 years ago. it's starting to bug out a little so i may upgrade to a cintiq after Closure's finished. but its life has not been in vain!

Yeah, Nap must be getting double-bombed ... I re-5ed it ... but .01 difference.

As for your Intuos3 bugging out ... it could be the USB connection. That's been the only issue I ever had with it. If you jiggle it around, or tape the cable in an elevated position, it can sometimes make a big difference.

yeah it has like about half the votes as it does views, which is an awkwardly high ratio. definitely something up with that.

and thanks, i'll try it out, it seems as though it loses dynamic pressure sensitivity every so often if i start doing things on my dual monitor setup. replugging it in seems to do the trick but it's quite a hassle. but the main problem is that in photoshop, sometimes the pen will not register for short blips at a time and there will be gaps in my line strokes, which is very annoying in photoshop because then it adds like 50 entities to my History panel and I can't undo all of it. (also happens in flash too, etc)

yeah, sounds like a connection issue. the intuos3 had that specific issue, or so I found when I googled it for myself.

it's dis/connecting repeatedly, which is acting as separate strokes. You can send it in and they'll fix it for like $75 ...

... but we're in the same boat ... if we're still using Intuos3 ... it might just be time to upgrade. I just have so much history with this thing. lol

lol yeah same. i'm just worried switching now will affect my workflow - the reason why i'm waiting till closure's finished. aaaaand everyone says once they've gotten a cintiq they never turn back so it might be time to try my luck. i just use the mouse so often to do stuff while animating and drawing so its easy to switch from intuos to mouse. but i feel like if a big screensized tablet is sitting on the desk as well it'd be harder to do that. who knows

i used the cintque at an animation studio many years ago.

and I didnt like it. it lagged and made my hand sweaty. But Im sure its better now.

I definitely need a new tablet as well, but Im on the fence of getting a cintique or an intous4.
the I4 has more pressure sensitivity so i can make lighter strokes and it should still pick up. which is something I look forward to since i get a really nasty shoulder pain when I draw for too long, (and press too hard)

Yeah, i really don't know what I'm gonna do. I wish I could just use a 21ux for awhile to see if it works for me before flat-out buying one. i'd prefer an intuos4 over a cintiq 12 though. go big or go home!

Perhaps people are "zero bombing" your stuff because you've left some pretty didactic and condescending reviews. I don't know but when I was writing reviews for the R.R.C. I know a bunch of members were getting their submissions downvoted, becuase of the reviews they left.

I guess my point is if your going to leave a negative review you must be prepared for the potential backlash, regardless how childish it may be...

true, but i've only left 1 review in the past year with a score of 1. the rest are 4 and above. wow i've only left like 5 reviews this year. gotta get on that.

I have to agree with Celx on the whole zero-carpet-bombing issue: if you are going to be a dickhead, be prepared to receive an equally nasty retaliation. Now, I'll check nap out...

there's no telling what goes through peoples' heads. it's really random to me i haven't really posted a bunch on the site over the past year until recently

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