I make my observations into something you can observe.

Jon Schubbe @Starogre


Joined on 5/8/04

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Starogre's News

Posted by Starogre - September 8th, 2009

all the pax photos (160 something plus a video of a large man falling off the darksiders horse in like 10 seconds) i took here on photobucket

So yea I stayed at glaiel's apartment to go to pax with him and got sick too. the plane rides home sucked. But the weekend was pretty crazy. Had to walk 2 miles to his place after getting off the bus then stay up really really late every night doing random stuff like working on finishing the demo, fixing bugs, and playing games with he, derek yu (tigsource), and andy hull (storyfort). one night we went to a grill with all the pax10 and indie developers we saw there that day and played pool, too. glaiel and i crushed derek and andy.

the pax 10 booth went really well too, especially at Closure's kiosk. someone was always playing and someone else was always watching which is a huge difference from showing the flash game off at E3, where the big named developers couldn't care less about the indiecade booth (see Example 1: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_
). g4 people stopped by to play and hopefully there will be coverage on that in the next few days. we got awesome positive feedback. unfortunately some feedback was too positive and didn't offer anything constructive but it was awesome nonetheless! (thanks to everyone who wrote something!)

we were basically there and at the behemoth booth right next door the entire weekend. not really time to walk around, afraid of missing any sort of media or cameras coming around. glaiel, tom and i walked over to scribblenauts to try to see it and play it a few times but that's about it for me. the sumo sacs were indeed helpful resting tools but i could have used a regular chair at times.

besides all the indie developers i met, i also met a couple people i have known online for awhile: monkokio and thejermz. monkokio actually gave us a ride home the last day and woke up extremely early to give me a ride to the airport this morning which was nice of him.

and I met other newgrounders as well: mexifry, faux, fluffkomix, and morichax (and dan paladin, didn't talk to him that much though as he looked very busy drawing for people). nathan was there filming for his NG documentary and he was nice enough to get some footage of Closure. he's also a really cool guy i talked to for quite a bit.

everyone i met that day was really really cool so no newgrounds drama ensued

it was all just so awesome, i'd say it was better than E3 from the amount that was going on; and the fact that at PAX, people come to play new games, not just watch new trailers and do executive and corporate business.

thanks tom for all the merchandise i bought from the behemoth booth too!

ps. i think writing this thing was way more than i had to do in the first place so i didn't link to anyone's names

pss. fan art to me of my first game ever from derek:

PAX flu

Posted by Starogre - July 5th, 2009

So recently I have been going down the path of game art. Here are some updates of things.

After a couple months of the game just sitting around on PiGPEN's computer, he finally submitted Lastman, a very challenging platformer. It's meant to be hard with all those fun glitches that old NES titles had. You can download the boxart wallpaper I made for it here.

I've also recently started concept art for Closure. You can find a wallpaper of a variety of things I tried, jumbled onto one drawing here. It's wallpaper-sized as well. The first levels, as you can see are going to be factory levels. That art isn't in-game graphics. Those will come later. Glaiel and I also did an interview for Gametopius.com that you can read here if you're interested.

Hmm what else? I guess you can check out my new portfolio site, jonschubbe.com. It's not completely finished but it's getting there.

Oh and E3 was fun. I got pics with jmtb02, Dan of Armor Games, and Olivia and Morgan from G4.


Posted by Starogre - June 2nd, 2009

Alright everyone so Glaiel submitted our game, Closure (the flash version) to IndieCade awhile back, and it was accepted! Hooray! IndieCade is a company that cares for Indie Game developers and showcases select games at different events and expos. This week, I will be at E3 for IndieCade, demo-ing Closure to whoever walks by the IndieCade 'booth' (more like big huge open area with huge computer monitors). I'll be showing off the Flash version as well as trying to advertise the new one. Unfortunately my dear friend Tyler can't make it, but since I've been in LA for about a week interning with my uncle for some animation stuff, it's the perfect oppurtunity! I'm learning Maya and After Effects at my uncle's company, so I'm switching gears back to video games for the time being. I already went to set up a bit at the convention center where E3 is located and it looks awesome so far. There was construction going on so no pictures were able to be taken, but I will be sure to snap a few later on.

I have a website that is in the works that you can all gawk at. (Very simple, somewhat artsy, gets the point across as a portfolio). http://www.whitneystudios.com/jon It will eventually be www.jonschubbe.com (how original huh). This is just part of the design. Hopefully it will be done in a timely manner because I have this website on my business cards :X . I also have a blog and twitter you guys should follow: Blog+ Twitter. Yes, I know twitter sucks, I can't get graphics to load on it correctly, but I only made it for networking so I can hopefully make it through college and the economy with business.

Also, make sure to keep checking up on the Closure Blog. There are a lot of thought processes that go into the making of a game, and we are putting what comes out of our brain straight onto there (except for the extraneous juices).

And don't forget, don't tune into G4 or my identity might possibly be revealed to Newgrounds.

PS. jmtb02 is gonna stop by to give me a high five. i haven't told him yet though
PSS. i forgot to get the high five but a handshake sufficed

E3 and More!

Posted by Starogre - April 28th, 2009

So blogs are becoming far more popular recently than I realized, especially amongst game developers. It seems as though more and more professionals want to see your developmental processes and how you worked through a few projects, rather than seeing your top 5 finished products straight up, in all their glory.


Closure Blog

There is also a link to our 'Log' where Glaiel will post coding updates and screenshots with the engine and I will post concept art. It will really take off when we get further down the road this summer. It also has a link to the old one. School is swamping me right now.

In other news...I made a blog too! http://jonschubbe.blogspot.com. I will eventually buy out another domain and redirect my old 'starogre.com' site to it and start becoming more professional to start making a living.

Well this is for those of you who care:

blog fog mog dog bog frog grog log

Posted by Starogre - March 4th, 2009


dragonforce will give me carpel tunnel soon
edit: turn up volume, low quality sound

revolution deathsquad grade C

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hard (WAY harder than the whimpy easy guitar hero version)
through the fire and flames grade B

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fury of the storm grade B

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PS. this is why i never submit anything


Posted by Starogre - February 15th, 2009

/* */

Posted by Starogre - February 2nd, 2009

I swear, I think i'm going to change the spelling of my name one day to at least get people to say it right, *edit* because it doesn't look like it would sound to most people. (I blame the spelling, not the people)

"Jon Schubbe"

Does 'Schubbe' look like it would sound like 'Shoo-bee', 'Shoob', or 'Shub'? In fact, it doesn't matter. If there is more than one pronunciation brought up, that is at least one too many.

I bring it up because Glaiel showed me this video at ByteJacker:

http://www.bytejacker.com/episodes/020 22009

It features Closure and a few other games. I think Closure starts around 1:40 if you want to skip to it. Make sure to check it out! *edit* And make sure you vote 'Closure' for Indie Game of the week to the right of the page! (I don't know what that does but it sounds like a good idea)

It's awesome and all, but my last name is of German origin, I believe, and hard to read/say correctly. Oh well.

PS. It's pronounced Shoo-bee not Shoob.

PSS. Shoob is a pretty badass name, too though...

Posted by Starogre - January 23rd, 2009


Well it was a rough ride releasing this thing but the result is wonderful. This was my first game EVER doing graphics for someone else under their constraints. In fact, it was my first collaborative effort finishing a game from start to finish with anyone else. It was a real challenge doing sketches>concepts>final ideas>animation, etc. for my first time. Tyler's a smart guy so he pulled together all his skillz and thought up this platformer puzzle idea. He used his smarts to create awesome levels for me to make assets for and decorate once finished. I really enjoyed playing with the graphics in the engine. It was tough getting some detail into the art because of Flash's 'pixelization' but it turned out really cool.

So enjoy playing through all the levels. No matter how challenging they may seem, just think outside the box and you will succeed.

Thanks to Tom for sponsoring us. It's a real pleasure. And thanks to Stamper, you are really cool for helping out with the title screen as well.

</end new submission whoring>

Posted by Starogre - December 29th, 2008

do you know all the pokemons???????????????????????

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kiwi!: very funny and cute character animation this is. the ending is full of lulz

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big buck bunny: beautiful and funny animation. i also like the character animation in this as well. the lighting and texturing is godly. LOVE the musical score

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elephants dream: and a very mysterious animation of an old man named proog showing his endless machine to emo. i really like the style in this. the character animation is very awkward in my opinion. it works i guess..

/* */
and wtf is this!? the pokerap, in the very beginning, lies and says THIS puny thing is a POLIWRATH! I AM INSULTED


Posted by Starogre - December 10th, 2008

First of all I posted a flash movie I made for an english project. I posted it because I can't go a year without submitting a movie.


Second, it should be announced that my cousin and I are going to hit it big with this olympic idea.

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Thank you.

PS. I'm the one in the sexy pink lifejacket before I cut off all my hair again.